Friday, December 28, 2012

Spirit Of The Glass

**** Production Company: Canary Films ****

An aborted plan to fly to Boracay for the Lenten break brings a group of young people to horrors they never imagined.

What started out as fun and games brought by boredom opened doors to secrets they never wish they'd discover.

Kelly and her boyfriend, Choppy, decide to bring their friends to the young woman's ancestral house in the province.

There, together with buddies Anton and Cecille as well as Drue and Myra, the group rappled with the boredom of an isolated home in the tranquility of the far-flung areas of the city.

But it was Kelly's brother, Aries and his friend TJ who decide to play the Spirit of the Glass much against the warnings of the old caretaker, Mang Anduy.

What followed was unspeakable.

A spirit appears begging for their help. When all hell broke loose, the group decides to end the spiritual encounter unable to control the forces that they opened.

They were mistaken to think that the experience ended with the ritual. Now, Kelly and her friends are being individually haunted by the spirit.

In their final encounter, more secrets are revealed- that involves the brutal kidnapping and murder of the spirit that haunts - and the woman, who even as a spirit, he seeks to reconcile to prove his love.

**** Directed by Jose Javier Reyes ****

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