Tuesday, December 25, 2012


**** Production Company: SWIFT Productions / Centerstage Productions Philippines / Viva Records

Two elderly women bear the consequences of a crime involving their respective grandsons.

Lola Sepa's grandson is killed by a cellphone snatcher, and Lola Puring's grandson is the suspect.

Lola Sepa files a formal complaint to the police and wades through the bad weather to collect money for the burial and court hearing.

Meanwhile, Lola Puring is advised by a pro-bono lawyer to work for an amicable settlement since the criminal case is non-bailable.

In the midst of a storm, Lola Puring solicits money to offer Lola Sepa, hoping that the grieving woman will accept, and that her misguided grandson will eventaully reform himself.

***** Directed by Brillante Mendoza. *****

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